Monday 7 May 2012

The 3 C's That Guarantees Your Succees On The Internet

Do you really crave to succeed online with your own home based business?

If you really do then I strongly suggest that you read this article from start to finish. If you want to, print it out, and post it somewhere where you can see it everyday.

The 3 C's To Success On The Internet:

1. Commitment

In any type of business, if you want to succeed then you will need to make a commitment. I can guarantee you that no matter how long you have been in business, you will have days where things will not go your way and will not go as you expect them to. It doesn't really matter how long you have been in business for.

For example, you might send your list an email with a new product that you think is the perfect one for them but you misspelled the link ( this happened to me once or twice over the past 2 years). Or maybe your MLMteam sends you money to join your adverting co-op only to have your account investigated because the other person added a new credit card to their account (that happened to me once). Or maybe you'll earn $2000 in commissions from an affiliate program only to find out that their hosting company closed their account and all the that you made is also gone and you are not going to get, ever (Yup, my hand is raised).

What ever happens, you need to commit to your success and never give up.

2. Consistency

One of the main reasons why people never make it in business on the internet is because they are not consistent enough. Someone will get started with a good program and when they are not seeing the results, they throw everything overboard and quit.

Or they start with a great business that can really work for them. A month goes by and they have not made any sales. Then a new program pops up and they buy into that product only to change their main focus somewhere else.

Then a month goes by again but now they are making SOME money but yet again, a new product is launched and this promises to make thousands of dollars their first month so they change their focus again and go with the new program.

To be successful online, you have got to find ONE good program and stick with it. To be successful in any program, you have got to be consistent and never give up on it.

3. Confidence

Without being confident, the 2 C's above are not even important. You have got to have a positive attitude or you are not going to make it. If you allow the bad economy around the world to influence you in a bad way, then you are going to fail.

Another thing that I want to mention is that FEAR will not allow you to do anything. Why do so many people never start their own business or with a great program that will teach them how to make money online even though they know that they may succeed? It's their FEAR.

If you have any type of fear, make a list of what you are fearing. After you make that list start to confront them. Remember, the only CURE for FEAR is by taking ACTION. 

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