I've been wanting to do this for a long time and have finally got around to it now.
Many who know me will have heard me say that I owe alot to the WF. And while my love for the WF continues to this day, I'm often confronted by the whispering notion that the WF just might not quite be what it used to be...
But I don't want to believe it, and I want this forum to be the best marketing forum online for many years to come. So I'm doing my part.
The following is part 1 of a series I'm going to be posting here over the coming couple of weeks called "0 to 1000 Free Targetted Visitors In 30 Days - A How To"
The content below is pretty long in itself so I'll get straight to it. I hope you enjoy!
This post is going to outline a step by step plan for taking any site from zero to one thousand visitors per month in 30 days time. Or, increasing your existing traffic by a thousand visitors per month in the next 30 days.
It's not specifically how to generate a thousand visitors, as by scaling it up, or doing it more consistently, your traffic will continue to grow far past that point, but it is how to get your traffic flowing in the smartest and most simple way possible.
Furthermore, it's not about getting 1000 crappy, unqualified visitors, it's about getting 1000 high quality, targeted visitors that are the most valuable to you as a website owner.
Anyone can do this, but few people will. How effective it is, will be up to you.
Here goes...
First, Understand This...
Before I get to the first step of the strategy I want to remind you about a very important principle. That principle is that all traffic is not equal.
1000 people coming to your website from your from your twitter profile, isn't the same as 1000 people coming to your website from a traffic exchange, and neither of those are the same as 1000 people coming to your website having searched for a solution to a problem or desire they have and selecting your website as the one that appears to have the answer.
There are a lot of ways to generate traffic, and no one strategy should be used in isolation at the neglect of others. Real online business owners are open to testing everything and learning for themselves which kinds of traffic make them the best returns on their investment.
That said, few will argue that traffic from highly relevant search keywords can be beaten in terms of monetary return per visitor. Sure, in total on the Internet, the traffic available through other sources like social media, media buying, and other forms of online advertising provide vastly greater volume of potential traffic than search, I've yet to find someone who will say that in general, traffic from these sources convert more highly than targeted search traffic.
More importantly, when your site is just new, this traffic is the most important. It allows you to test your monetization the most easily, and start seeing profit as quickly as possible.
For these reasons, traffic from search engines and other free sources will be the bread and butter of this report.
Part 1: Research
The great thing about this method is that no matter what niche you're in (with the exception of a small few), there are always a huge number of long tail keywords that you can use to bring traffic to your site with the most basic optimization and simple techniques.
So the first step to getting 1000 new visitors in 30 days is to do some research. Go to the Adwords Keyword Tool at the link below and get ready to begin... (warning, this might not look like your typical keyword research)
All you need to do is type in the main keyword for your niche, whatever it is. Say your niche is stopping snoring, you'd enter “snoring”.
You'll get a big list of keywords related to snoring. Here your goal is to pick some keywords from this list that you can create some content on that will get easily ranked in the search engines. Here's how to do it.
You want to pick some words that have between 500 and 5000 searches per month. As I always say, these are “guidelines”, not “unbreakables”.
What I like to do is do the search, then click on the link at the top called “advertiser competition” twice, so it sorts the list with the less competitive keywords at the top. Then I scroll down the far right column to see which of the most lowly competitive keywords have strangely high levels of search volume compared to that competition. See the image below:

Note here that we're not using the “competition” tab in google to analyze real competition (as this refers to pay per click advertiser competition) but it is a guidelines, a starting point.
The circled keywords seem to have more search volume than the others at that level of competition and could be worthy of further investigation.
All your trying to do here is find 30 such words. 30 words that have between 500 and 5000 searches per month in the “average search volume” tab and that seem to have a low relative of relative competition.
If you're not finding any good keywords under a search for the main keyword as above, you can choose one of the keywords from the first list, and run a separate search just for it, like “stop snoring” for example. Go back and type that into the tool, click the “advertiser competition” button again, and see what you find there.
Finally, if you're still not getting the keywords you want with that, you can try this.
Go to google.com and type in your main keyword, say it's “stop snoring”. (don't use quotes when you type it in Google THIS TIME).

Whatever URL appears first, copy it, and go back to your Adwords keyword tool. Here, scroll back to the top search part and on the left select “website content” rather than “descriptive words or phrases”, and enter the URL you just copied.

Now you can get new keyword ideas based on the keywords that this site, which you KNOW is ranking well and getting targeted traffic, is using.
A list of keywords will appear where you can do the same as originally, sort by competition then try to find high searched words that are lowly competitive.
Once you've got a list of 30, we can perform the second part of your research, which is to analyze the search competition.
Analyzing Search Competition
If you think I'm about to say “type the phrases in Google in quotes and see how many search results appear” hold your horses.
While the typical way of analyzing the “competition” of a particular keyword is by looking at the number of competing pages, anyone who's actually done SEO will tell you that the number of competing pages doesn't REALLY tell you how hard or easy it's going to be to rank for a particular term.
Keywords often have a small number of competing pages that are highly optimized and on authority domains that you aren't going to beat.
Other terms have huge numbers of pages that are optimizing poorly and that you'll be able to topple with just a couple of links.
So how do you REALLY tell competition?
The answer is, you can't know TRULY how hard or easy it is to rank for a term until you've done it. BUT that doesn't mean you personally have to try it yourself...
Check out this...
So before, I did a URL search for that stop snoring keyword and this came up:

The top keyword was “ways to stop snoring”.
So I went to Google and did a search for this term WITHOUT quotations. Here's the results:

You'll see that in position 3, there's an article published at Ezinearticles.com.
Now, why does this make me happy?
Because I too can publish an article at Ezinearticles.com, and assuming this dude hasn't built any links to his article page at ezine (which is rare but not impossible) if I out optimize him, I'll take his ranking eventually. The only thing working against me on this particular example is the age of this guy's article which is a few years – the newer the article the better it is for you.
Furthermore, I can use this to see how much traffic this ranking has gotten for the chap:

It also gives me a true indication that this keyword is uncompetitive. If an article at ezinearticles.com can rank highly with no links, then when I have a piece of content on my site based on this term that I build some great links to, I'll surely get a front page ranking too.
Now keep in mind that this isn't a PERFECT indication of competitiveness, and like anything, it can still be inaccurate – but one thing I do know for sure is that targeting keywords that show low levels of competition based on this analysis is far more likely to bring you rankings and traffic than keywords found based on the “number of pages” analysis. Try it out for yourself.
So back to our step by steps. What do we actually do with this knowledge?
Well, if you're looking for a down and dirty increase to your traffic within a short period of time, these keywords can be very valuable
Search each of your original 30 articles in Google and keep your eyes peeled for:
1.Articles from Ezinearticles.com in the search rankings.
2.Squidoo lenses in the search rankings
3.Listings from any similar social sites like hubpages, wikidot, wetpaint, zimbio, wordpress.com, blogspot.com etc etc
Now, you're going to find these kinds of pages appearing more often depending on how popular your product is to affiliates. These listings will be more common among hot clickbank niches for example thanks to all the “bum marketers” out there.
But if you have a more obscure niche, don't worry, you can still...
Go for the old “competing pages” analysis, but with some additions.
Do a search for the keywords in quotations, so “stop snoring”.
Try to get keywords with under 10 000 competing pages in Google, the lower the better. When you find the terms with under 10k competing pages, also check the front page for:
- Lots of sites that don't have the keyword in the url.
- Not many sites on pages from major authority sites like wikipedia, amazon, etc.
If you go with those analyses, you'll still come out with keywords that will get you to the 1000 new visitors in 30 days.
So by the end of this step you should have 30 keywords that fit the criteria we've talked about. If you've got that, you're ready to rock this and pull those 1000 visitors in 30 days no problem.
You should be able to knock this part of the plan out in 1 day, two days maximum.
In the next part, we'll look at what to do with your newly found super cool keywords.
Many who know me will have heard me say that I owe alot to the WF. And while my love for the WF continues to this day, I'm often confronted by the whispering notion that the WF just might not quite be what it used to be...
But I don't want to believe it, and I want this forum to be the best marketing forum online for many years to come. So I'm doing my part.
The following is part 1 of a series I'm going to be posting here over the coming couple of weeks called "0 to 1000 Free Targetted Visitors In 30 Days - A How To"
The content below is pretty long in itself so I'll get straight to it. I hope you enjoy!
This post is going to outline a step by step plan for taking any site from zero to one thousand visitors per month in 30 days time. Or, increasing your existing traffic by a thousand visitors per month in the next 30 days.
It's not specifically how to generate a thousand visitors, as by scaling it up, or doing it more consistently, your traffic will continue to grow far past that point, but it is how to get your traffic flowing in the smartest and most simple way possible.
Furthermore, it's not about getting 1000 crappy, unqualified visitors, it's about getting 1000 high quality, targeted visitors that are the most valuable to you as a website owner.
Anyone can do this, but few people will. How effective it is, will be up to you.
Here goes...
First, Understand This...
Before I get to the first step of the strategy I want to remind you about a very important principle. That principle is that all traffic is not equal.
1000 people coming to your website from your from your twitter profile, isn't the same as 1000 people coming to your website from a traffic exchange, and neither of those are the same as 1000 people coming to your website having searched for a solution to a problem or desire they have and selecting your website as the one that appears to have the answer.
There are a lot of ways to generate traffic, and no one strategy should be used in isolation at the neglect of others. Real online business owners are open to testing everything and learning for themselves which kinds of traffic make them the best returns on their investment.
That said, few will argue that traffic from highly relevant search keywords can be beaten in terms of monetary return per visitor. Sure, in total on the Internet, the traffic available through other sources like social media, media buying, and other forms of online advertising provide vastly greater volume of potential traffic than search, I've yet to find someone who will say that in general, traffic from these sources convert more highly than targeted search traffic.
More importantly, when your site is just new, this traffic is the most important. It allows you to test your monetization the most easily, and start seeing profit as quickly as possible.
For these reasons, traffic from search engines and other free sources will be the bread and butter of this report.
Part 1: Research
The great thing about this method is that no matter what niche you're in (with the exception of a small few), there are always a huge number of long tail keywords that you can use to bring traffic to your site with the most basic optimization and simple techniques.
So the first step to getting 1000 new visitors in 30 days is to do some research. Go to the Adwords Keyword Tool at the link below and get ready to begin... (warning, this might not look like your typical keyword research)
All you need to do is type in the main keyword for your niche, whatever it is. Say your niche is stopping snoring, you'd enter “snoring”.
You'll get a big list of keywords related to snoring. Here your goal is to pick some keywords from this list that you can create some content on that will get easily ranked in the search engines. Here's how to do it.
You want to pick some words that have between 500 and 5000 searches per month. As I always say, these are “guidelines”, not “unbreakables”.
What I like to do is do the search, then click on the link at the top called “advertiser competition” twice, so it sorts the list with the less competitive keywords at the top. Then I scroll down the far right column to see which of the most lowly competitive keywords have strangely high levels of search volume compared to that competition. See the image below:

Note here that we're not using the “competition” tab in google to analyze real competition (as this refers to pay per click advertiser competition) but it is a guidelines, a starting point.
The circled keywords seem to have more search volume than the others at that level of competition and could be worthy of further investigation.
All your trying to do here is find 30 such words. 30 words that have between 500 and 5000 searches per month in the “average search volume” tab and that seem to have a low relative of relative competition.
If you're not finding any good keywords under a search for the main keyword as above, you can choose one of the keywords from the first list, and run a separate search just for it, like “stop snoring” for example. Go back and type that into the tool, click the “advertiser competition” button again, and see what you find there.
Finally, if you're still not getting the keywords you want with that, you can try this.
Go to google.com and type in your main keyword, say it's “stop snoring”. (don't use quotes when you type it in Google THIS TIME).

Whatever URL appears first, copy it, and go back to your Adwords keyword tool. Here, scroll back to the top search part and on the left select “website content” rather than “descriptive words or phrases”, and enter the URL you just copied.

Now you can get new keyword ideas based on the keywords that this site, which you KNOW is ranking well and getting targeted traffic, is using.
A list of keywords will appear where you can do the same as originally, sort by competition then try to find high searched words that are lowly competitive.
Once you've got a list of 30, we can perform the second part of your research, which is to analyze the search competition.
Analyzing Search Competition
If you think I'm about to say “type the phrases in Google in quotes and see how many search results appear” hold your horses.
While the typical way of analyzing the “competition” of a particular keyword is by looking at the number of competing pages, anyone who's actually done SEO will tell you that the number of competing pages doesn't REALLY tell you how hard or easy it's going to be to rank for a particular term.
Keywords often have a small number of competing pages that are highly optimized and on authority domains that you aren't going to beat.
Other terms have huge numbers of pages that are optimizing poorly and that you'll be able to topple with just a couple of links.
So how do you REALLY tell competition?
The answer is, you can't know TRULY how hard or easy it is to rank for a term until you've done it. BUT that doesn't mean you personally have to try it yourself...
Check out this...
So before, I did a URL search for that stop snoring keyword and this came up:

The top keyword was “ways to stop snoring”.
So I went to Google and did a search for this term WITHOUT quotations. Here's the results:

You'll see that in position 3, there's an article published at Ezinearticles.com.
Now, why does this make me happy?
Because I too can publish an article at Ezinearticles.com, and assuming this dude hasn't built any links to his article page at ezine (which is rare but not impossible) if I out optimize him, I'll take his ranking eventually. The only thing working against me on this particular example is the age of this guy's article which is a few years – the newer the article the better it is for you.
Furthermore, I can use this to see how much traffic this ranking has gotten for the chap:

It also gives me a true indication that this keyword is uncompetitive. If an article at ezinearticles.com can rank highly with no links, then when I have a piece of content on my site based on this term that I build some great links to, I'll surely get a front page ranking too.
Now keep in mind that this isn't a PERFECT indication of competitiveness, and like anything, it can still be inaccurate – but one thing I do know for sure is that targeting keywords that show low levels of competition based on this analysis is far more likely to bring you rankings and traffic than keywords found based on the “number of pages” analysis. Try it out for yourself.
So back to our step by steps. What do we actually do with this knowledge?
Well, if you're looking for a down and dirty increase to your traffic within a short period of time, these keywords can be very valuable
Search each of your original 30 articles in Google and keep your eyes peeled for:
1.Articles from Ezinearticles.com in the search rankings.
2.Squidoo lenses in the search rankings
3.Listings from any similar social sites like hubpages, wikidot, wetpaint, zimbio, wordpress.com, blogspot.com etc etc
Now, you're going to find these kinds of pages appearing more often depending on how popular your product is to affiliates. These listings will be more common among hot clickbank niches for example thanks to all the “bum marketers” out there.
But if you have a more obscure niche, don't worry, you can still...
Go for the old “competing pages” analysis, but with some additions.
Do a search for the keywords in quotations, so “stop snoring”.
Try to get keywords with under 10 000 competing pages in Google, the lower the better. When you find the terms with under 10k competing pages, also check the front page for:
- Lots of sites that don't have the keyword in the url.
- Not many sites on pages from major authority sites like wikipedia, amazon, etc.
If you go with those analyses, you'll still come out with keywords that will get you to the 1000 new visitors in 30 days.
So by the end of this step you should have 30 keywords that fit the criteria we've talked about. If you've got that, you're ready to rock this and pull those 1000 visitors in 30 days no problem.
You should be able to knock this part of the plan out in 1 day, two days maximum.
In the next part, we'll look at what to do with your newly found super cool keywords.
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