Saturday 23 March 2013

Simple Tips for Making Money Online - Internet Marketing Tips

There are various ways on how you can generate an online income without a product. In fact, a lot of online marketers are using these strategies to earn their full time income. If they are able to do it then chances are you can as well. You just have to find the right “make money online” strategy. To help you get started, below are three simple tips for making money online even if you don't have anything to sell.

1. Build a blog then monetize it. Doing business through a blog is usually referred to as professional blogging or pro-blogging. It's a very lucrative business if you are able to find a profitable blogging niche. The secret to success in blogging is finding a niche which you can dominate in the search rankings. Of course, you can still follow a general blogging model but you lessen your chances of building a significant following. Still, the best strategy is to look for a specific niche then stick to it. This way, it's much easier to build your audience. It's highly recommended that you look for a niche that you have genuine interest in. If you love what you are blogging about, you will never run out of passion in running it. 

2. Become a freelancer. Majority of freelancing sites today are free to join. All you need is register using an email address then complete your profile and account details. Usually, you can start looking for freelancing jobs in their listings right away. You can get paid either with a fixed rate or on an hourly basis. The more clients you get, the more earnings you generate. If you don't want finding and doing jobs through a third party, you can always strike out on your own and offer your freelancing services directly to your prospective clients. This way, you get to keep all of your proceeds.

3. Write for revenue-sharing websites. There's a chance that you have heard of sites like Squidoo, InfoBarrel, HubPages, Seekyt or Wizzley. These are all revenue-sharing websites. Basically, what they do is attract content creators to write articles then publish them on the sites. Ad revenues that these articles generate are then split between the writer and the revenue-sharing site. The split ratio varies from site to site. All of these sites are free to join so you have nothing to lose in writing for them.

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