Monday, 1 December 2014

An Easy Way to Write 10 Articles a Day

One of the things that is hard about writing lots of articles is that there are many steps that if they are all thought - out in order to do them, they slow you down. For example, you have to think of 10 article topics each day, then you have to think about what to write for each article, then you have to sit down to write each one (basically it is like you are starting over 10 times)
So in order to be able to write 10 articles a day, you have to eliminate all of that friction . . . .
Instead of writing article topics one at a time, write 100 in a sitting. That will hold you for 10 days of writing.
Then write your articles in 100 word sections.
100 words for the introduction, 100 words for each of 3 topics.
That's it.
It's really easy.
Here's an example of an article introduction using my formula:
(topic of article, for example, how to use youtube for traffic building)
"In this article I am going to teach you how to use youtube for traffic building. Youtube can be used for traffic building using 3 simple steps:"
Notice that is 27 words. The write a sentence for each step, so about 25 words describing what each step is going to be.
That gets you to 100 words.
Then write about 100 words of instruction for each step.
That is 400 words.
Obviously it's not going to be exactly 400 words or exactly 100 words per section, but it really can make articles go really fast
Here is a sample of how to do write out 10 topics, notice the pattern:
How to Use Youtube to Drive Traffic
How to Write Articles to Drive Traffic
How to Write Content to Drive Traffic
How to Use Video to Drive Traffic
How to Use Audio Podcasts to Drive Traffic
How to Use Blog Posts to Drive Traffic
How to Use Interviews to Drive Traffic
How to Use Google Organic to Drive Traffic
How to Use Content Marketing to Drive Traffic
How to Use Forum Marketing to Drive Traffic
Here's another trick I use to write lots of article titles in one sitting:
Notice how the 2nd half of each above subject line is the same?
So you can copy and paste that list, with a change to the last part, and write another set of 10 articles the next day.
That is one key to how I can write 10 a day, day in day out.
Like this:
How to Use Youtube to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Write Articles to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Write Content to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Video to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Audio Podcasts to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Blog Posts to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Interviews to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Google Organic to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Content Marketing to Get Lots of Visitors
How to Use Forum Marketing to Get Lots of Visitors
And of course, for each of those topics, you write the boilerplate
introduction, then write out the 3 steps. Of course if there are more
steps, it's all even easier because you write less per step to still
get to your target # of words per article.
And of course, you don't HAVE to be constrained by a certain number
of words per article, but I personally find that if I am shooting for a certain
number of words, it makes it easy to break the article into component
parts and just write a target number of words per part.

3 Ways to Organize Your Inbox and Reduce the Time You Spend In Your Inbox Each Day

Inbox overload.

It's a real time eater, and you only have so much time to build your business.

And if your inbox eats your time, you don't build as much business each day.

So one of the easiest ways to find more time to build your business is to cure inbox overload.

Here are three ways to help combat the overload:

1. Create filters for spam

During WWII, spam meant “specially processed American meat”, and it was shipped to overseas for use by servicemen and women, and the local population in Britain. Of course, it really amounted to food that was much less than the best available. That’s because it had to be put in a can.

SPAM today can hardly be thought of nutrition on any level. It’s the junk mail of the Internet, and if you don’t have a method for getting it out of you inbox, then you’ll never get out of it either.

Most ISPs have SPAM filters that prevent you from getting a lot of it. In other words, however much you get right now, it could be a lot worse.

But spammers are clever people, and as ISPs change their filters, so spammers change the wording of their messages to bypass them.

That means that in order to get rid this junk without having to personally wade through it all, you need to use the filter template that is provided by your email client.

In Gmail, for example, the most effective way is to filter on the basis of specific words and the various spellings. Then whenever a message that you don’t want somehow gets through, it will be deleted before you ever see it.

2. Create filters for each business function, e.g. social media, sales, marketing, articles, ideas, etc.

There will be some messages that you will want to see, and you can choose to put them in a separate folder, too.

Instead of having them deleted, you can designate which folders they will go to automatically. This can be particularly valuable if you want to read messages that are written by the same person, such as those you’d get from someone’s email campaign.

3. Set up Google Alerts

A Google Alert automatically delivers content to you based on words that you choose.

In the case of SPAM, you identified words associated with messages that you didn’t want. 

With a Google Alert, you use exactly the same principle to find what you do want, except that instead of receiving messages, you’re given URLs.

And you can have all of these go to a specific folder as well.

By the way, do you want to learn more about building your web presence and growing your information business? 

How to Use Google Alerts to Create a Databank of Content For Future Content Creation

You probably get more email messages than you want. In fact, you could probably live without most of them.

But there may be times when you’d actually to attract messages. That’s because you want to save yourself the time required to research a topic.

Let’s say that you want to write five articles every day on your niche. After a few hundred, it can be quite a challenge. There are only so many ways that you can say the same thing.

But suppose that someone gave you an opinion about something in your niche. Would you be able to offer a different opinion? Would you be able to spot an omission?

You see, receiving a message like that could save you a lot of time looking for something to write about just by provoking you to think about it differently.

You’ll be pleased to know that there is a free service online that will do this for you, and Google will give it to you. 

It’s called a Google Alert, and it automatically delivers content to you based on words that you choose.

When you create a filter to keep spam out of your inbox, you identify messages that you don’t want because of words that are contained in them. But, when you create a Google Alert, then you identify words found in content that you do want.

Google sends message to your inbox, but the text is a list of search results with your keywords in them.

There is one limitation, and that is that the Alert only recognizes one word at a time.

Let me give you an example.

Suppose that you want to receive links to content that used the keyword phrase fresh hot donuts. Because the Alert feature can only use one word, it will send you search results for the words fresh, hot, and donuts.

That means that some of your results will be for exactly what you want. But many of the results will be for topics that use just the word “fresh” or just the word “hot” or just the word “donuts.”

You could have fresh water or fresh flowers. You could get hot dog or hot climate. You could get hot donuts or stale ones.

Then what you do is create a filter for Google Alerts and have them all go into a folder that you’ve created for the purpose. Now you have a ready resource of material the next time you want to create some content.

Free Giveaways

Free giveaways are essential to any IM business. For one thing, people expect to get them. There is so much free information on the Web that if you don’t offer something beyond what they can discover with a cursory search, then your visitors will simply go elsewhere.

But there is another reason why you must give them a free giveaway, and that’s because it’s a way for them to discover if you’re right for them. 

They have a problem. They need someone to help them solve it. They’ve come to your website, probably as the result of seeing some of your content elsewhere on the Web. And now they’re on your site trying to decide if they should take the next step.

Some supermarkets, for example, offer free samples. In fact, the joke is that if you go in on the right day, you can have enough of them to replace a meal.

But if you like what you try for free, then you’ll probably buy a package; and that’s why they give you a taster. It’s an incentive. 

A free giveaway does the same thing. It gives people a taste of you. It gives them a little morsel without asking for a financial commitment. And that tiny crumb must leave them hungry for more.

This is where so many sign-ups are lost. There’s a misconception in the IM industry that the free giveaway isn’t that important; that it’s a throw away item that can be created in a couple of hours. 

There’s another misconception about free giveaways, and that is that they should contain less value than the giveaways that are sold. The truth is that if you’re unwilling to give people something that they value, then you can hardly expect them to buy a giveaway that you claim is valuable. In other words, you have to prove to them first that it does.

So you can see, the success of your business hangs on that free giveaway.

There is more information on the Web than anyone can use – ever. So whatever you know about your niche, they probably know, too. That’s why offering a free giveaway that teaches them about something that is already on the Internet has no value. 

They already know.

If you’re getting traffic, but have a low sign-up rate, then the weak link is undoubtedly your free giveaway. Make that your focus. 

Failure Corps (Articles/Blogs): Tell me about your failures/attempts!

Ok i keep seeing this reocuring theme with people wanting to start blogs/write articles in the aim of getting viral or jumping SEO and then scorring Adsense revenue for a reliable "passive " income. You hear about ( rarely) winners here and there but id like to hear about all the people who have tried or are still trying. Then id like to add this information to a table. So tell me:

Blog/Article Market: What market were you in? health? adult? techonology?

Number of Articles/posts: How many articles did you get out?

Years Running/Ran: How long has everything been out there?

Total Earnings: How much total did you make from adsense?

Avg Profit per month: Earnings/time runing, how much did you make in profit, if you payed for articles factor that in.

WarriorBlog/Article MarketNumber of Articles/PostsYears Running/RanTotal EarningsAvg Profit/Month

Those 5 Steps Will Help You To Maximum Productivity (which means also more money)

Do you know that you get 80% of your results from just 20% of your time and effort and consequently 80% of your time is virtually wasted on non productive activities?. Once you realize this it is easy to take advantage and either reduce the hours you work or significantly improve your productivity.

The 80-20 rule was first discovered by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto a hundred years ago. Using this knowledge is incredibly powerful in combating the "not enough hours in the day" mentality of today's society.

The 80-20 rule means that in any area of our lives, literally 80 percent of our fruits are derived from only 20 percent of doing "what matters". In other words, there is only a very small portion of all that we do each day, regardless of the situation, that brings us the "higher return". 

How can you benefit from being aware of this principle? Implementing a strategy based on the 80-20 rule can result in greater wealth and greater leisure time? Just imagine how productive you will be if 80% of your time could be spent on productive activities. You have to realise that the things that matters most should never be at the mercy of activities that matter least. 

Here are 5 Steps to maximumise your productivity:

1) Keep a work log for at least a week

Write down all of your activities and the time spent doing them. I appreciate this is time consuming initially but it is essential you get a true picture of your working week.

2) Analyse your activities

Separate your activities into high priority - those that produce a return or where only you have the skills to do the work - and low priority - activities others can do where the activity can be delegated to support staff. You will almost certainly find that you are spending most of your time on low-priority activities rather than activities directly providing a return. In almost all businesses these non productive activities tend to absorb time at a far greater rate than they should. 

3) Delegate non productive activities

Once you can identify the low priority activities delegate as many as possible to outsourcer providing training where required. If necessary employ an additional outsourcer to take responsibilities - the cost will be more than offset by your improved productivity. There may be a number of low priority activities you are tempted to keep. Unless it is absolutely unavoidable don't be tempted and don't get involved in non productive activities or your productivity will fall.

4) Calculate the time required for any remaining low priority activities

Once you have delegated all that you can, your next step is to calculate how much time you should be spending on the remaining low priority activities to make maximum use of your productive time. Do not work disproportionately hard at these low priority activities and set aside specific time each day or week to complete them.

5) Prioritise your remaining activities

Once you have cleared out the activities that do not bring you any return, it is time to turn your attention to the activities in your life that are bringing the most reward. Prioritise your activities and concentrate most of your time just on a few high-priority activities. 

The objective throughout is to maximize your results from the areas of high return and to delegate those activities that have a low return. Having to spend a disproportionate amount of time on non productive activities is a major source of stress for many marketer. Delegating these activities will therefore have the added benefit of reducing the stress you are under. It is all about doing less work for greater return.

For more success in life, whether that is more money, more time with your family or just making time for kite surfing you should start implementing the 80-20 rule immediately. It will help your career as well as your personal life and, as a bonus, following the 80-20 rule day in and day out can make you very wealthy over the long term.

Do you follow the 80-20 rule and did it bring you better results?

3 Mindset Tips For Newbies To Making Good Regular Income Online!

Good day! 

Am writing the following with the internet marketing newbie in mind (and quite honestly, those who have been around for a bit but are still struggling should find it useful).

As those who are making REGULAR good income will say, a good proper mindset is in order and required even before we actually come to the methods / ways / mechanisms, etc.

So here goes ...

1) Grow Yourself As The #1 Asset

While you're getting all excited about the experts and the gurus say build your list, build your list, build your list and I don't discount what they say because that's going to be one of your top assets if you're planning to be around AND thriving for the long haul.

The most important asset I feel is ... YOU. 

Even if a big time guru gifted you with a 5000 strong list but you don't know how to communicate or provide value, it would mean little to you.

However, if you're always soaking up info and applying it, it won't be long before you pull away from the crowds. And quite frankly, that's where you want to be for the long run.

2) Take PERSONAL responsibility

No one, I REPEAT, no one is EVER going to be more responsible for your success than yourself. 

Not even if you hired a $500, $5000 or $50,000 internet marketing coach. Sure they can play a huge part in "shortcutting" your journey to success but it's ultimately you who would need to till your ground and build your business.

It's not someone else's problem to figure out what niche you should go into or to drive traffic for you.

10 years from now, this will ring true. Even 50 years from now.

So ... if you're not prepared to take PERSONAL responsibility yet want to change to an I.M. career from your 9 to 5 (because you hate it), I highly suggest you don't.

3) Always Be Marketing!

Now if you're planning to be an internet marketer, then you are going to have to be MARKETING. And if you want a harvest all year round, you need to always be sowing seeds.

Just like a good farmer who understands the seasons and times, you need to put in the hard yard and work your business.

Forget the pipe dreams of becoming an instant millionaire. That's utter bullshit and rubbish. Might work in another dream universe but not on this planet.

Technology these days provides us with a great opportunity of not just connecting with people but delivering immense value by meeting their wants and needs.

With all said and done, if you're spiritually, mentally and physically prepared to be all 3 that I've mentioned, congrats ... you're way ahead of the curve.

Now keep it going and be your best NOW! =)